House Rules & Liability Waiver

Complete form below and hit “submit” to sign Waiver

All visitors must agree to the following waiver of liability to enter the Lighthouse property. Event hosts are responsible for ensuring members of your group agree to these conditions.

In consideration of the Greens Ledge Light Preservation Society (“GLLPS”) organizing and sponsoring access to and activities (“access”) in connection with the Greens Ledge Light, an offshore lighthouse (“Lighthouse”), the undersigned agrees as follows:

I acknowledge and agree to follow the House Rules. I understand there are inherent risks in these activities, including but not limited to boat transportation, getting on and off the lighthouse dock, climbing and descending the lighthouse ladders and stairs, and participating in activities of any manner during the access.

No part of the access is monitored by GLLPS and I will be cautious at all times and act prudently and safely during the entire course of the access. If signing for a minor or other dependent I will instruct and monitor such minor and dependent at all times and to act prudently and safely during the entire course of the access.

I further understand that there is no medication, no medical facility, and no medical treatment available at the lighthouse, or during any part of the access. I acknowledge that GLLPS did not design the lighthouse and the condition and fitness of the lighthouse is acceptable as is.

I assume full responsibility for every risk whatsoever in connection with my and such minor and dependent’s participation in the access. Such participation in the access is purely voluntary, I represent that I, and such minor and dependent whose name appears below is physically and mentally able to participate in this access, and I agree to participate (and such minor and dependent may participate) in spite of any risks.

The undersigned for myself, and my heirs, assigns and legal representatives, (and those of any minor in my care, and dependent) release and forever discharge GLLPS and all of its agents (including, but not limited to, all directors and officers), successors, and assigns from any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action on account of a medical condition, injury or death to me (and to any minor in my care, and dependent named below who participates in the access), or damage to property, which may occur from any cause (including, but not limited to, the negligence of GLLPS, or any of its officers, directors, or other agents) in connection with the access.

Keeper User Guide

Dock & Gangway